Dear Alex,
Kita baru saling kenal sejak Agustus lalu. Via Twitter, tentunya. Gue lupa persisnya sejak hari apa dan karena apa kita saling follow. Tapi yang pasti, gue termotivasi untuk follow lo karena waktu itu di Timeline banyak sekali yang membicarakan @aMrazing.
Kira-kira begini bunyinya:
"Wah, @aMrazing sekarang udah terkenal. Followersnya ribuan. Untung gue udah follow dia dari dulu"
Penasaran, guepun membuka timeline lo. Ternyata nggak heran banyak followersnya, tweetnya menarik. Waktu itu lo lagi ngebahas sinetron deh, kalo nggak salah... :))
Dan gue langsung follow. Entah sejak kapan dan entah kenapa juga lo balik follow gue. Gue heran. I mean, wow. You're like a timeline superstar, back then. Yang sempet heboh dibicarakan banyak orang. A legend. *okay, ini berlebihan* :))
Dan gue nggak inget dong, tau-tau kita udah tukeran pin BB aja. Kata orang, waktu berjalan begitu cepat. But with you, it was like so fast. Kilat. Whoooz~
Tau-tau kita udah asik BBMan aja. Oh, well.. :))
Di dunia ini, ada hal-hal aneh yang bikin kita bertanya-tanya. Waktu itu gue bener-bener baru kenal lo, you're a stranger to me, vice versa, tapi kita bisa langsung ngerasa nyaman ngebagi hal-hal yang sebenarnya sangat pribadi.
Urusan dapur masing-masing... *ngakak*
Kadang orang asing terasa seperti sahabat lama, dan sahabat lama terasa seperti orang asing. Dengan lo, gue bisa berbagi hal-hal yang bahkan nggak 'sanggup' gue ceritain ke sahabat yang udah gue kenal bertahun-tahun, a dark side, a secret.. Maybe because I was too afraid they would've judged me. Entahlah.
You were there, the moment I.....well, you-know. The very moment I crossed 'the line', the line that has taken me from one step to another step in my life's journey. It WAS a big deal for me, a sacred one. I remember I was scared, and nervous, and confused. But you were there cheering me up, not judging.
Sometimes we just need someone to tell us that its okay to feel the way we feel. And that moment, you were that someone. The funny thing was, I barely knew you. :)
And just like that, in an instant, I felt like you are -somehow- an angel God has brought into my life.
You were there all the time since that day. And when I had a nervous breakdown because I felt like my life's over, you were still there for me. Cheering me up, convincing me that I deserve much better.... when I don't even know what I deserve, what to believe, nor how to start again.
Lucu memang, kita bisa menyentuh hidup orang lain melalui jalan yang tidak masuk akal. And you, you have touched my life. BIG time.
And I can never thank you enough.
Happy birthday, Lexy.
Wish you all great things in life, because you just deserve them.
Love you.
A stranger you've helped to gain her inner strength.
Happy b'day Alexander Thian! :*