Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

Ini Bukan Juminten

Dearest Papah,

Did you know sometimes I hate the way you treat me like a little daughter. And sometimes I don’t know the way you love your children. I can’t feel your love, dad. Maybe my love radar is under maintenance.

I also feel a lil’ bit jealous with all my friends who have their dad like their best friend. because we are totally NOT a best friend. There’s a border-line you draw between our relationship. It’s a father-daughter line (in your version, of course). Like, I can’t “go there”. I must “stay here”. And my dream is just a dream to you. :(

Funny thing, there’s one thing that always in my prayers; I want my future husband can be close to my future children, just not like you. Amen for that.

But, above all dislike things you have..

I feel grateful, you are my Dad, who gave me the unfailing faith and support throughout my time in school. And for pushing me to be the best I could be. Thanks, Dad.

And I want to make you proud having me, cause I know my hate can’t compete with my love for you.

Love you, Dad.

-Si Bungsu-

PS: I also pray for your joy & healthiness.


(diambil dari: www.juminten.tumblr.com )

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